Partner company: Visit Britain
Date: March 21, 2022
Mike and Chris’ Trip To The United Kingdom
Approximately 741,000 TOTAL VIEWS AND IMPRESSIONS on TikTok, Pinterest and Instagram
Visit Britain reached out to Mike and Chris to take part in their LGBTQ+ content creator trip. They traveled to three different cities (Bristol, Bath, and London) with the goal to emphasize Britain's inclusive environment to their strong following of LGBTQ+ members and supporters.
STORIES: : Over 328,000 impressions
POSTS: : Over 46,000 interactions
REELS: : Over 205,000 views
POSTS: : Over 154,000 views
IDEA PIN: : Over 5,300 impressions
Featured Talent
Visit Britain was delighted to work with Mike and Chris, showcasing the warm welcome and diversity to be experienced in Britain for LGBTQ+ travellers. They delivered engaging content that demonstrated another side of Britain with terrific results.